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Today my friend met you 2013-12-30 07:11   Brenda
Today a friend of mine met you, and took a pic with you for me. I unfortunately live in Italy and I couldn't ask it by myself. I'm glad you were so kind with her, and so kind to me - even without knowing how much it is important to me! - for taking that pic! It emotioned me a lot, just because it's a sign of destiny for me and for my friend. (: I hope you believe a little bit in the Cloud Atlas thing, so maybe you can understand. I bought her the book as a Christmas Gift, two days before she met you. Isn't it funny or strange? Keep on with your awesome work, I support you! And I hope of course to see you in more Hollywood movies. Hugs,
¤Ä¤Ä (smile 14.01.01 09:33)
Ç×»ó ÀÀ¿ø ÇÒ²²¿ä~! (´ëÆ÷ 14.09.24 08:37)
  Today my friend met you ..2 24119 2013-12-30 Brenda
  ¾È³çÇϼ¼¿ä ¹èµÎ³ª¾¾ 32 2013-12-03 sean
  Hi 55 2013-11-24 J.W.
  super fan of doona bae from dubai 20532 2013-11-03 Anndhie
  super fan of doona bae 19616 2013-11-03 Anndhie
  Hola!! 19100 2013-10-12 Moises
  ¾È³çÇϼ¼¿ä 38 2013-08-23 À̾ð°æ
  Congratulations for your performance in Cloud Atlas 34 2013-08-09 Marco
  Hi,Doona!! 20593 2013-07-10 JH*
  Àå¾ÖÀÎ »çÁøÀü¿¡ ÃÊûÇÏ°í ½Í½À´Ï´Ù.! 20623 2013-07-05 Sunny
  ÀÀ¿øÇÕ´Ï´Ù. 20084 2013-06-24 ¼±ÁÖ
  ¾È³çÇϼ¼¿ä! 54 2013-06-10 ¾ß½º
  your fan from vietnam 19952 2013-05-30 laikas
  Favorite food? 20124 2013-05-07 Alex
  Hi Doona Bae, you're the best. 20260 2013-05-07 Alex
  How to dissolve and conquest the strong stresses? 19791 2013-05-04 hanada