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you were great in Cloud Atlas! 2015-01-04 13:58   Robyn

I just watched Cloud Atlas and thought that you were great! I had never seen you before because I am not familiar with Korean pop culture (being in Canada), and wanted to look you up.

I just wanted to let you know that I thought your performance in Cloud Atlas was fantastic and that I will keep an eye out for your other English language films.

Best wishes for 2015!

  you were great in Cloud Atlas! 17919 2015-01-04 Robyn
  Sorry, this URL is Doona's. 24 2015-01-03 hanada
  Come, Doona's spring ! 22 2015-01-03 hanada
  ...... 24 2014-12-28 ºñ¿Í¹Ù¶÷
  ¹èµÎ³ª¾¾... 27 2014-12-09 ºñ¿Í¹Ù¶÷
  ¹èµÎ³ª¾¾... 28 2014-11-29 ºñ¿Í¹Ù¶÷
  Thanks for coming "Tokyo Filmex" ! 17740 2014-11-29 hanada
  µÎ³ª¾ß... 20 2014-10-18 µ¿Ã¢
  ´©³ª !! 65 2014-09-30 ÃÖÈÆ
  <µµÈñ¾ß >is brilliant 18140 2014-09-24 ¿¡¼­ºí·¢È¦
  ýì欢你£¬ÔàÑÖ 17841 2014-09-16
  Doona's favorite "Okonomi-yaki" restaurant in Tokyo 18792 2014-09-15 hanada
  ¿ª½Ã³ª... 18412 2014-09-05 ȯ
  walking the boards 21 2014-07-25 pete
  ¿©±â¿¡ ±Û¾²¸é ¹èµÎ³ª¾¾°¡ º¸´Â°Ç°¡... 39 2014-06-18
  Beautiful Doona 31 2014-05-11